June 6, 2013

  • I think I might be done

    Well, aside from the fact that I am seeing rumors about xanga closing down, I may also stop blogging, for good.

    I really didn’t think this would happen in my life, but it looks like our country is going the way of England, Sweden, and Belgium.  They are taking away our freedom of speech, and cracking down on internet speech.  We already know how solidly anti-Christian they are, and how anti-American.  We see them trying to make sharing about Christianity in the military a court martial offense.  We see them equating the Founding Fathers with terrorists.  We see them trying to classify the traditional patriotic American as a domestic enemy.  We see them listing people who are pro-life or members of right wing 3rd parties as potential domestic terrorists.  We see them trying to label X-soldiers/veterans as domestic terrorists, as well as patriotic groups.  We see them stockpiling hollow point rounds and armored vehicles for domestic use while they try to take away our guns.  We see a government that prefers the alien, and the hostile alien, over the citizens.
    Now they want to monitor the internet, in their quest to locate more “domestic terrorists.”  Big corporations such as Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, and Apple are already on board with our ridiculous and treasonous government. Guess who the “domestic terrorists” are going to be?  Not the real actual terrorists, but people who speak out against that lot.  It’s going to be like England, where you get arrested for talking bad about a certain ideology, and perhaps about the government.  Even if you don’t get arrested, there is still the chance of being blacklisted, which means that you will not be able to get a job, and maybe they will draw more money from you during taxes.  Also let’s not forget that the groundwork has been laid for target killings of American citizens on American soil, without trial.  
    Regardless of where you fall on the political and religious/ideological spectrum, everyone SHOULD understand that the most important freedom is freedom of speech.  All other freedoms hang on freedom of speech.  Regardless of how offensive you find another person’s beliefs or ideas, they have just as much a right to their own opinion and to speak their mind as you do.  Freedom of speech is how the little guy holds those in power accountable.  Without freedom of speech you can have no other freedoms.  I would rather risk getting my feelings hurt than lose my ability to hold those in power accountable, or point out the dangers of any policy or ideology.  
    The loss of freedom of speech is tyranny, and from there it’s not just a slippery slope but a sheer drop off to further depredations.
    So much has been stripped away during/by the Obama administration.  He said he would fundamentally change America, and he has.  I have seen this country turn into something that no longer resembles the USA I grew up in.
    It’s also worth noting that this is probably impossible to reverse.  The Democrats will win the next election as well, assuming that Obama decides to step down.  They will do it through a combination of rigged elections and bringing in voting ringers.  By “voting ringers” I am of course referring to people being brought in from the 3rd world in large numbers and being given citizenship and welfare money in exchange for voting Democrat.  Also, I expect that the majority of people who voted for Obama did not learn their lesson this time, and are incapable of learning.  Incapable of linking A to B, cause to effect, or understanding the value of freedom.  It’s easy to dismiss the value of freedom of speech when you’re a liberal, because you are towing the same line as the state so you are in no IMMEDIATE danger (although eventually you will be).
    But the left has won this one, not through logical argument, not through compliance with the Constitution, but through unlawful force.
    While I am rather ambivalent towards death, I don’t like the idea of having any chance for upward mobility cut off, assuming I had any chance to begin with.  I have already struggled enough, and failed enough, and continue to struggle without the added difficulties that being blacklisted would bring.  So I think I’m done with blogging.  It’s a shame really, because this was one way in which I really contributed positively to society.  This is one way I used my intellect and abilities to make the world a better place.  Now I can do nothing.  I suppose I will devote my intellect to winning in StarCraft2, and finishing Skyrim and Borderlands 1 & 2 until the state makes those things illegal as well, at the behest of the gun control crowd and the femanist movement.  There are so many things I wanted to talk about, from spanking children to foreign policy, but now I can’t.  One of the worst things that can happen to someone like me is to be muzzled.  As one of my friends likes to say, “I have no mouth but I must scream.”  That is the situation now.
    I feel so tired, and so old.  I have less energy and love of life than my parents and grandparents, who are in their late 50′s and late 80′s respectively.  I don’t see that there is anything positive to look forward to in the future.  I’m thinking I might leave this country, but the truth of the matter is that I don’t want to be in this world any more.  Maybe I will become a wanderer in the world, a man with no country, and thus no reason to care what happens to any particular country.  In that case I would just be waiting for death, and not really existing for any kind of purpose, but the days when one man could really make a large positive difference are gone.  I’m tired, and I have no energy, and no hope.  

Comments (17)

  • I began feeling that way too.  

    Then I started thinking about what common, ordinary Christians did during the Roman Empire, during its fall and then during those long, long centuries of the Middle Ages.

    It is our duty and pleasure to remember Christ the way he said we should remember him.  It is our duty and pleasure to pray for our world and its people during this New Dark Age.  

    I called it the New Dark Age of Stupid here on Xanga.  But it began back in 1973 the day the abortion Holocaust was legalized.

    Now, all these decades later, a barbaric absurdity like gay marriage is considered “social progress.”

    Now, last election, the IRS was used by the current regime to oppress the opposition party thus disenfranchising half of America’s voters and ending the greatest Republic in human history.

    We are watching the disintegration of our once great civilization is real time.  In a generation or two slavery will be considered “social progress” as Christian values continue to be forgotten by nearly everyone.

    But we Christians must carry on and, “Remember!”

  • @ImNotUglyIJustNeedLove - Let’s exchange contact info.  I have some ideas that I would like to discuss with you, possibly in realtime.

  • @Ambrosius_Augustus_Rex - Well, in the mean time we have 5 weeks.

    What sort of contact information did you have in mind?

  • @ImNotUglyIJustNeedLove - email for starters.  Will send you.

  • I know what you mean. I just signed into blogger. Basically my name & e-mail address are there in the public eye, which I have decided is fine. I believe in transparency, so I suppose it may as well begin with myself… no secrets anyway, no privacy, or assumed privacy. I have nothing to hide, so why not? In the end I may have to be held accountable for what I say on the world wide web, so I guess I’ll just volunteer. If it comes down to getting hauled away for speech, it’s better than being hailed away for being silent. I won’t go quietly into the night then, or now… and that shows my opinions and feelings have changed in just the past months.

  • Sorry I have been MIA lately.  Have been desperately trying to get in shape and it’s taking up a ton of time.  I hope you’re still on facebook.  You have great insight and I do want to stay in touch and hear your ideas!!

  • @saturnnights - Man…. I can’t believe what is going on these days.  All that damn dirty statist shit that’s festering Europe into oblivion is coming here.  Such bullshit to arrest someone for criticizing a religion.  No one will ever get arrested for criticizing Christianity, but if you talk about Islam, which is an enemy ideology, they’re going to come and lock you in the clink.  I hope the Republicans can undo this crap, but I don’t think they will.  God help this country, and all of us.

    Anyways, I admire your views and courage.  Better to die on your feet than live on your knees.  And if we have no freedom I would rather they get it all over with and execute us at once.  I don’t know why they are constantly trying to contrive more excuses to lock up patriotic American citizens.  Who the hell do they think is going to pay all the damn taxes? 

    Anyways, pardon my French.  I’m losing my cool a little here.

  • @Facetiouseloquence - You know, I don’t want to live in a country that fails to recognize basic human rights such as freedom of speech.  I would love to keep speaking out, and it almost causes me literal physical pain to not be able to, but I can’t be charged with a felony, not when I’m trying to get married and all that. 

    Watching what the Demoncrats are doing to the US is like watching a relative die slowly, and in both cases a critical point of no return is left.  How is this even going to work?  In the past the US was where people came when they needed to escape oppression, but now we have oppression here.  Where can we go? 

    We don’t really have a country any more.  We have been invaded and conquered, and it happened slowly under our noses.

    Anyways yes I’m still on facebook.  I don’t know how I am going to be able to express myself.  I don’t know how to deal with this Satanic affront to freedom and liberty.  I have some ideas.  If you Skype and you don’t mind sharing your account then I will add you there as well.  It looks like Xanga is going to be shutting down anyways, according to the rumors, so I should probably add a few others as well.

  • @Ambrosius_Augustus_Rex -  You also should look at the growing numbers of people who know all of this now. I keep saying, we’re awake, but we’re not supposed to be awake. It throws a wrench into it, if we know. It getting so obvious we can spot a coming false flag beforehand, just based on shifting coverage away from something else.
    The powers that still wannabe are scared, fearful & wetting themselves, while they try to figure out how to stop the avalanche of uncontrolled info from the “fringe” news. Lol… CNN is the fringe now. CNN had to report actual numbers about the recent Monsanto March. No fudging the numbers even!
    These people are convinced we’ll be fearful, but that’s because they unstand great so well. Now they are reacting to it, as they knee-jerk new garbage into law. Wussies!

  • @ImNotUglyIJustNeedLove - now you know history just repeats itsself.  The greek and romans were also very ‘progressive’ let’s call it in a ‘free’ society where human sexuality and gay relationships were open, economical government funding and  heathcare were the focus and and yet when the Empire crashed and Christianity became the  main religion, that was irraticated and now centuries later here we are agaiin a totalarian society in which the same human ethical moral rights are yet again being called human progress.

  • See this as a good thing Rex.  I  ended my  blogging life and have much enjoyed it. I just use blogs now as free websites.   Freedom fo speech is just a concept, it has never really existed.  The right to free will and freedom to say what you want is what you make of it but really, do any of us ever truly?  I censor my words and opinions and what I think to a certain degree out in my legal name…you say whatever you feel and believe in  and your true opinions of life but you hide your identity and  name.

    Perhaps this is a new turning point for you to do something else :)   And exercise the concept of free will/freedom of speech  in a new way

  • @saturnnights - I hope something gets done.  Monsanto is another thing I hate.  Those seditious thugs are literally poisoning us to death.  I don’t understand why they are still allowed to operate.  Anyone who works for that vile abomination is a damn dirty traitor and should be dealt with accordingly.

    Anyways, lets see.

  • @Amandascowen - First of all, Christianity had jack all to do with the fall of Rome.  Yes they were open about homosexuality, although it wasn’t considered something worth boasting of, but they also had mass executions, slavery, and public displays of violence where people got mauled to death by wild animals.  Christianity was well entrenched before the western half of the Roman Empire fell, and the Eastern half lasted for another thousand years before it was finally overrun by the “religion of peace.”  Part of what killed the western Roman Empire was the immigration.  They had mass scale Germanic immigration/invasion, and as those barbarians settled within Imperial boundaries they maintained their own barbaric culture and became autonomous.  Eventually they decided to go ahead and sack the capital itself.  Today we are being invaded by barbarians from south of the border.

    Now, as to your comment about freedom of speech.  The government can find out who I am regardless of my false ID.  My false ID was in place to keep EMPLOYERS from discriminating against me for my views.  But you see, now if I criticize the “religion of peace” then I have to worry about being charged with a felony.    It’s intolerable and unforgivable.  God will certainly judge them in the deepest part of hell, but in the meantime they will ruin lots of lives on earth.  Seditious totalitarian ideologies need to be criticized, and BTW, I have done so with accounts that are not anonymous on other websites.

    So let’s see…

    I can spend my time looking for a new country to live in, because otherwise my posterity will be completely jacked.

    I can use my intellect for videogames, until the government takes those away as well.  Bastards.

  • @Ambrosius_Augustus_Rex - oh no, I’m not saying christianity was the downfall of rome, The roman empire fell becuase they took over too many territories and  lost.  That was more to do with just loss of power.  Christianity, however I think ‘helped’  and was one of the catalyst  for revolution against the roman empire though, but not the  reason

    hold on  I have more to say.   Let me read more through your comment mor thorough I’m bounce  around sites right now.

  • @Ambrosius_Augustus_Rex - although I will say, i don’t think wars in general are religious. I think wars are always for money and power. And we use ‘god’ or say it’s religous to make ourselves feel rightous or that  we are  morally doing it for ‘good’.   To make ourselves feel  ‘okay’ to tell ourselves that the intentions to  go to war or kill people aren’t  ‘bad’. “In the name of god’. The BS justification of action, we’re doing it for ‘higher meaning’ and so when they slaughter each other, they don’t have to  think of themselves as axe murderers or serial killers.

  • @Amandascowen - Well, some wars are indeed religious, but for the most part they tend to be about resources.  Although I have to say, it’s been a while since I saw anyone try to justify the current wars one way or another.  Now we are involved in some “just because” wars, and I’m starting to think that George Orwell was right when he talked about wars being waged as a means to waste resources and diminish homeland prosperity for the average citizens. 

    But I am curious.  Do you honestly think that things are becoming more free, or that the state of freedom has improved?  Because what I am seeing is a continual overall reduction of freedom.  I have people telling me to just suck it up and deal with it, or that it’s no big deal, but it really is a colossally huge problem. 

  • As well as you know history and the scriptures, I’m deeply saddened that you look at these events here and abroad in such a negative manner. Check out Matthew 24 and Luke 21 – when you see these things come to pass (wars and rumors of wars, nation against nation, kingdom against kingdom, famines, pestilences, earthquakes in various places) look up for your redemption is nigh!! I guarantee you don’t want to miss that “redemption”.

    Everything is now in place for the four horsemen of the apocalypse to appear. Checkout Revelation chapter 6. God IS in control – as always!

    I urge you through prayer and the reading of the word to build that relationship with the Lord currently missing in your life to reap what God has prepared for those who love Him and keep His commands.

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