June 12, 2012

  • Mexican Drug-Runner Shot, Mom Sues

    This could be the next Trayvon, another teenager was shot for his behavior and the media and the family are attempting to criminalize the shooter.  This is yet another piece in the political left’s war on personal responsibility.  Basically what happened was a 19 year old Mexican drug runner was shot as he attempted to run from the cops and cross the border into Mexico.  He had a 17 year old kid in the car with him who the cops were able to apprehend.  They were smuggling Marijuana.  Once they reached the border the 19 year old Carlos La Madrid attempted to climb over the wall while a Mexican man on top of the wall threw rocks at the cop cars.

    So now the mother, Guadalupe Guerrero, who can’t even speak English wants to sue.  She insists that there were no drugs in her son’s car, and that the cops shot him for no reason.  It is probably safe to assume that this woman is an illegal immigrant, and that Carlos was an anchor baby.  This is America, we speak English here.  No one who cannot speak English should have the ability to sue, vote, or receive social services.  That’s crap.  But look at her comments:

    “Why did they kill him? Who are they to play God?”

    He was shot because he was running drugs and attempting to flee arrest by crossing the border into another country where the cops would have no jurisdiction.  They ordered him to stop and he kept running.  Perhaps Rudy Eugene is also an innocent victim?  After all, Rudy Eugene was only chewing off a man’s face, and even though the cops shot him because he refused to stop when ordered, it is still the cops’ fault because they didn’t give Rudy Eugene enough time to see reason.  After all, everyone is the same, and everyone is capable of being reasoned with according to the political left.  But I digress, what the cops did here has nothing to do with playing God.  They were just doing their job, that’s it.  Guadalupe raised a bad son, and now she is mad because not only is she having to face the consequences of that but also because it reflects poorly on her.

    “I say he didn’t have drugs, but let’s suppose he did,” Guerrero said. “Let’s suppose he had 40 pounds of marijuana. You think that’s dangerous enough to kill a young boy, an American citizen? Why not send him to jail?”

    This woman is in a severe state of denial.  She is in no position to say he didn’t have drugs.  In any event, he was not shot for having the drugs, he was shot for trying to evade the cops.  If the cops had not shot him then he would have gotten away.  If he had surrendered to the cops instead of trying to illegally cross into Mexico then he would have gone to jail instead of getting shot.  What are the cops supposed to do when criminals run away?  Are they supposed to sit there and cry about it?  There is a reason why drugs are illegal.  That fool Rudy Eugene was on Marijuana when he attacked the other man and chewed off his face (http://www.mediaite.com/online/zombie-watch-face-eating-man-did-not-actually-swallow-flesh-gloria-allred-is-now-involved/).  Drugs make people crazy.  They make people lose their inhibitions and increase the chances that they will do something harmful to someone else. 

    “That’s the only thing the United States government cares about — money,”

    Yes the government does care about money, and control, at the Federal level, but that does not apply to cops and border patrol.  There are other more lucrative jobs.  The people who join the police, or the border patrol, or the army, or whatever are trying to make our country a safer place.  If they were to let the criminals go then life would be a good deal more dangerous.  Of course if there were no cops then it could be left up to the people to defend themselves, which may actually be better.

    I have also been looking at some of the comments, and people are saying that there is no reason to shoot someone for a Marijuana case.  No reason?  Rudy Eugene.  Nothing more than that needs to be said. 

    I bet no one saying “well drug smuggling is a dangerous business” ever made a bad decision when they were a kid. I hope your children never make any bad choices.

    I have seen similar comments about Trayvon Martin regarding his drug use.  Yes, I did make some bad choices growing up, but those were things like showing up late for class, skipping homework assignments, and propositioning the wrong girl in middle school.  I never had anything to do with drugs.  Not every teenage kid does drugs, it is not a normal teenage indescretion even in these morally inverted times.  I don’t even want to hear that talk, I’m sick of hearing it.  Take responsibility for your own self and for the fact that you raised bad seed.  As for my children, I intend to raise them correctly so that they will not indulge in criminal behavior.  If I ever did fail massively as a parent and have a child who did drugs you can safely bet that he would be thrown out of my house and probably disowned.  Whatever he does after that is on him.  But most of these problems can be evaded simply by raising your children properly, if that is so hard to do then you are not cut out for having children, and should have yourself fixed in order to spare yourself and society from the suffering they will cause. 

    That is all.


    Source: http://news.yahoo.com/mother-19-old-killed-border-patrol-sues-202142980.html

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