May 16, 2013

  • White Decline, Why it's happening.

    What I'm about to talk about is the opposite of WPWW (White Pride World Wide).  You might call this white shame world wide.  No I'm not going to talk about the things that the cultural Marxists say we should be ashamed of, because that all is bullcrap.  I am going to talk about why we are going extinct and why.

    It is safe to say that in the majority of white countries our birth rates are dismally abysmal.  For the most part we are not even putting out enough kids to maintain equilibrium.  In some parts of the world the birthrate is half of what it needs to be for replineshment.  That means that with each generation the population gets cut in half.  No I don't want to hear about overpopulation.  Overpopulation is a 3rd world problem, and our declining birth rates are not going to do anything to reduce the birth rates in the 3rd world. 

    Some time ago I read an article on yahoo written about this woman who said that having kids was the greatest mistake she ever made in her life.  People were leaving lots of negative comments (naturally), and someone posted a comment saying that if one parent cannot stay home with the kids at all times then no oe should have kids.  The comment indicated a severe lack of awareness, but somehow it got high approval ratings.  The fact is, most coulples cannot afford to live off of only one income.  A lot of women have to work whether they want to or not, if the family intends on being able to support kids.  We have the feminist movement to thank for that.  I am a poor man myself.  If I want I could probably have my wife stay home and just support her, but if we want kids then she needs to also work, otherwise the money isn't there.  Many people are in that situation these days.  So  left a comment saying that it is the civic duty of all PRODUCING/viable law abiding citizens to have children.  Having children is how people keep their culture and civilization alive. 

    My commet received so many negative ratings that it may even have been hidden, which is what happens on yahoo when a comment receives a good deal of negative ratings.  Normally my comments there get good ratings.  Of course I was upset over this, not at the fact that I got negative ratings (people have the right to hate, despise, and otherwise disagree with me), but at he abysmal state of our culture and the level that it has sunk to which would cause people to have such a negative view of family and reproduction.  It's like they want to go extinct.  No culture or people group can continue to exist without a next generation.  This sort of thing ought to be obvious to anyone.  Yes having kids requires one to make sacrifices, but so do many of the things people choose to acquire in place of having kids.  It's up to the individual to make the right sacrifices. 

    Having kids is more important than you owning a fancier car, or a more expensive (yet not necessarily larger) house.  Let me explain what happens to your stuff when you die.  You can spend your whole life working, getting more stuff, getting promoted at work, getting a fat bank account, and then your dead.  After you die you lose every single thing you worked for.  No children means that big daddy government will get all of your stuff.  People have different beliefs about what happens to the consciousness that defines you as an individual.  Let's say you just cease to exist.  No kids means no legacy, so in a thousand years it will be as though you never existed, and for all intents and purposes you never did, unless you are a genius inventor (which most people are not).  The gross majority of humanity does not make it into the history books, even in the most advanced of civilizations.  Now lets say that there is an after life (which is my position).  You were a materialistic and shallow, and you spent your entire life chasing after things which you cannot keep and which you may not have even had the time to enjoy.  You weren't investing in the right kind of treasure, so now you have an eternity of nothing. 

    It's ironic how so many people can work so hard, and in the long run achieve nothing.  Not saying that I have achieved a lot, but I'm trying to keep things in perspective.  I am not promoting sloth, or having children that you cannot take care of.  If you cannot support children then do not have them, period.  If you go the route of living off the government's tit then your children will be a burden to society, and will probably not amount to anything more than what you are.  But that being said, there as to be balance. 

    If a man is making enough money to take care of his wife and kids then there is no reason for the woman to work.  In fact it is better for society as a whole if she does not, because she might be taking up a job for fun, which someone else desperately needs.  All of the world's most successful civilizations operated on the principle of gender specific social roles, with a strong family unit. Why?  Because a civilization with a weak family is going to die out, as the majority of white cultures are dying out today.  In succesful long lived civlizations the man works and supports the family, while the woman stays home and manages the house.  The way things are now for the majority of white cultures is that it is impossible for both partners to stay home.  Conditions have been established that make it difficult to create families. 

    The institution of family has been undermined in other ways as well.  Our divorce rate is lamentably ridiculous when compared with that of other races and cultures.  Divorce does severe damage to the financial and emotional integrity of the family.  Not only does it disrupt the family unit, but it sets a bad precedent for the next generation.  Divorce damages the strengh of the family on all levels.  It used to be that marriage was treated as marriage, not a casual dating relationship or a sexual cohabitation.  Most people today see marriage as a sexual cohabitation rather than what it was meant to be, which is the foundational bedrock upon which families are built.  We can see the lack of understanding and appreciation for marriage evidenced by the flippant attitude by which it is treated, as well as the ludicrous notion that homosexual relationships are somehow in the same category as marriage.  No a homosexual relationship is not at all the same as true marriage, and it can never be regardless of what the law makers and courts have to say.

    Another obstacle to proper family formation is that our women have been programmed to have contempt for us, or hate us.  Of course I realize that not all white women are this way, but many if not most are.  They have been taught by the cultural Marxists to view us as oppressive colonizers who are inherently abusive.  This view is a blatant denial of reality, but it is one which has pervaded all white cultures across the board.  White men are on average the most considerate and benevolent type of man a woman can get.  One of the severely damaging by-products of this myth is that there is a "rape culture" in white countries.  There is no rape culture in white countries.    In fact our laws are disproportionatly skewed in favor of women.  Our educational system caters to women.  The job market and entertainment industry cater to women.  Education and entertainment have teamed up to portray men negatively, and present women as the natural leaders both in the home and in the workplace.  Men are portrayed in TV shows and commercials as being stupid and/or incompetant, with their wives and children having to correct them or tell them off.  Those types of shows are both an attack on men and on the role of the father.  This is not the natural order of things, and civilizations who have those views and which buck the natural authority structure of the family unit CANNOT and will not survive over the long term.  I daresay the only entertainment industry which has not been cowed by the feminist movement is the video game industry.  WHICH is why the majority of gamers are men, while the majorty of people who watch TV and shop at the bookstores are women.  Of course feminists are trying to sink their claws into that as well, so we'll see what happens.

    It's difficult for any culture to survive when the majority of women have contempt for the men.  It cannot work over the long term.  The most important emotional needs for a man are respect and a feeling of accomplishment.  When women constantly denegrate men and their achievements it creates emotional distance, which means more one night stands and divorces.  More broken families, and more bastards.  If white women want marital stability and emotional gratification from us then they need to treat us with unconditional respect rather than maintaining a constant undertone of contempt with spurts of passive aggression.  More white men are going to turn to other kinds of women for marriage when it comes to marriage, as growing numbers of us will cease to view white women as viable marriage material.  Even white women who are good and have their act together will get passed over for marriage due to negative stereotypes.  I got so sick of it that I lost all motivation to pursue white women, even with all my concern about white decline (which is a valid concern).  I still find them physically attractive, but I no longer have the emotional energy to be in that kind of relationship.  I feel a physical drop in energy just thinking about it.  It is the same feeling one has when you recognize that you have put in your best effort, and it has proven to be insufficient.  No matter how hard you try the outcome will be failure.  That sort of feeling.

    There is no way a race or culture can survive if such conditions exist between men and women, and if our people are going to survive then we need to recognize the mental diseases that are afflicting us and actively work to remedy them.  We need to make proper demands from our government and our educational industries.  We need to recognize wrong thinking (such as the idea that there are no essential differences between men and women) and eliminate it.  We have survived for thousands of years, which proves that we have what it take to survive.  So we can survive, but whether or not we will is another matter.  Honestly, I don't think we will survive except as small minorities barely clinging to life, but who knows?  We have to decide we want to survive, and take the necessary steps.

    Imagine what the world would be like if white people had gone extinct 1000 years ago, 2000 years ago, or 3000 years ago.  Imagine a world without Socrates, Pythagoras, Julius Caesar, John Locke, Nicola Tesla, Sir Isaac Newton, Gregor Mendel, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Edison, Steve Jobs, or Bill Gates (just to name a few).  Imagine a world without great composers such as Handel, Bach, or Mozart.  Imagine a world without the Roman Empire or the US.  Imagine a world without great authors such as Shakespear, Milton, or Tolkien.  I could go on and on, but my point is that humanity will be diminished in the future by our loss, and that is not boasting, it's just the logical extrapolation based on what has occured so far.

    Watch these videos:

Comments (89)

  • The problem is they can't dance. Why are the feminists to blame for shitty wages? Don't get me wrong, I'm all for blaming women for stuff, this just seem to be a good reason.

  • There are about a billion white people in the world.  That is more people than there were people of any ethnicity in the world a few hundred years ago.  White people are in no danger of going extinct any time soon.

    And you try to cover your racism with a desire to keep the "culture" alive - what, american culture only consists of white people?  In your mind maybe, but in reality all cultures (and ethnicities) are a blend of everything that came before.  You're worried about keeping the race and culture pure, but that's not how the world works.

  • @ShimmerBodyCream - I'm not blaming women or feminism for everything, I'm blaming the undermining of marriage and family.  Feminism and the attack on men is just one of the vectors being used.  I also mentioned that a lot of people would rather spend their money on material things than having kids, and tend to incorrectly prioritize career over family.  It's going to take a concerted effort on behalf of both genders to fix what is wrong with our culture.  However, I will say that women choosing not to have kids is a severe problem.  If women choose to close their wombs to us then it is literally impossible for us to reproduce.  Anyways I decided to bail on white women a long time ago.  I can't cope with the difficulties anymore.  I just don't have the emotional energy and lost the will to keep trying a long time go.  If that makes me a failure on some level then so be it. 

    Also check the videos I posted for additional information. 

  • 40 men per 100,000 develop colon cancer.  Over 1,000 women per 100,000 develop breast cancer.  The rate of breast cancer is 30 times as high as the rate of colon cancer - the fact that we (according to your video) spend 12 times as much money on screenings instead of the proportionate 30 times as much is an injustice in the opposite direction.  

    Why do you go through life promoting bullshit and hatred and nonsense?  Why not just google this stuff or think critically about it?  Is it so hard to set what you'd like to be true aside and seek the actual truth?

  • @agnophilo - We are a minority on a world scale and our numbers are dropping off.  You can check the videos I posted for additional information. 

    I don't think that you have a working definition of racism, in fact I know you don't.  Wanting white people to go extinct is racism.  A white guy wanting his people to survive is not racism, it's self preservation.  I'm not worried about keeping the race and culture pure.  Either you haven't been reading my postings, this one included, or you are being an incredible twat.  Which is it? 

    From this entry:

    "I got so sick of it that I lost all motivation to pursue white women, even with all my concern about white decline (which is a valid concern).  I still find them physically attractive, but I no longer have the emotional energy to be in that kind of relationship.  I feel a physical drop in energy just thinking about it.  It is the same feeling one has when you recognize that you have put in your best effort, and it has proven to be insufficient.  No matter how hard you try the outcome will be failure.  That sort of feeling."

    In previous entries I have stated, multiple times, that I am IMPORTING my wife from India.  Did you miss that or are you being an incredible twat? 

    Everything I say and do here is just calling it like it is.  I don't care at all about the bullcrap PC narrative and censored speech and artificially tailored thought that you seem to worship.  I call it like it is, and if that offends anyone then the problem is with them not me.  White people have the same rights to survive and advocate for their well being as other people do.  You don't have the right to muzzle us, and having a will to survive is not racist.  The purpose of this entry was to address a problem which has pervaded all white cultures.  I will say whatever I want, as long as it's true, and if it hurts you or anyone else's feelings then you need to just man up.  Listen, truth is truth, and it can neither be racist, nor sexist, nor oppressive.  Denying the truth, however unpleasant the truth might be, is extremely unhealthy and helps no one.

    I can't help wondering something though.  Do you ever think an original thought?  So far all you have done is regurgitate the thoughts and positions of others.  I don't think you are capable of thinking for yourself, and I haven't seen any evidence that you are capable of originality or ingenuity from you.  Based on what I have seen, my impressions is that  you are a cookie cutter person, with your thoughts and words handed to you by others, and carefully conformed to the left wing, state sanctiond, PC narrative.

  • @agnophilo - I could say the same of you, in fact I just have.  Check my comment.

  • @agnophilo - The US was created by white people.  Other people come here because of what we have created.  Some of those who come become valuable producing members of society, while others become parasites and domestic enemies.  Which category do you fall into?

  • "The fact is, most coulples cannot afford to live off of only one income."  This is by design.  The socialists in charge want all of the bees working and improving the socialists' standard of living.

    Decline in birth rate is mostly associated with women attending college, which mostly happens in whites and asians.  Darwinism is against women attending college.  Women who work but don't attend college still have kids.

    Oh, I talked about the declining white and asian birth rate months ago and told you about it and you failed to credit me.  :/

    @ShimmerBodyCream - Feminists want women in the work force, which doubles the size of the work force, which substantially lowers the demand for workers and thus their wages.  Ofr course, that also benefits socialist politicians from increased taxes and employers (cough-capitalists-cough).

    More women in the work force translates to more mothers in the work force, leading to more time where strangers care for children, mothers not making sure their families have good diets, more junk food, etc.  Mothers spend less time cleaning homes, leading to more dust, leading to more allergies, medical bills, etc.

    Women who work are less aggressive about getting raises and promotions than men. Women are subject to pregnancy, which could interrupt work and work projects for weeks, so they are generally viewed as less reliable than men.  Women are less likely to work overtime than men, from what I've seen.  They are the ones who hurry home to get the kids from daycare.

    There is a basic cost of going to work which must be subtracted from the income generated (transportation expenses, clothing costs,. daycare, food, etc.).  Women tend to earn less, so the operating profit for a woman's income is generally lower than a man's.  We would also have to subtract the economic benefit to the family of a woman staying home.

  • @Ambrosius_Augustus_Rex - Just ignore agno.  He's a racist.  If this were happening to a minority, he'd be screaming "bloody murder."

    ""Which category does agno fall into?" He's a skunk drone. :)

  • You need to put your KKK symbol back up as your photo

  • @soccerdadforlife - "Feminists want women in the work force" They want women to have the choice.

    "Decline in birth rate is mostly associated
    with women attending college, which mostly happens in whites and
    asians.  Darwinism is against women attending college.  Women who work
    but don't attend college still have kids."

    I'd say Darwinism is for women attending college. Having uneducated women does result in higher birthrates and it is also the reason for overpopulation.

    "which doubles the size of the work force,
    which substantially lowers the demand for workers and thus their wages. 
    Ofr course, that also benefits socialist politicians from increased
    taxes and employers (cough-capitalists-cough)."

    Our unskilled labor has gone overseas and our income inequity has risen astronomically. Unions have decreased, and men are choosing to work less. *cough* capitalism *cough*

    "More women in the work force translates to
    more mothers in the work force, leading to more time where strangers
    care for children, mothers not making sure their families have good
    diets, more junk food, etc."

    Our shitty diets are cultural and unrelated to the workforce. How long does it take to prepare an apple? Grapes? Carrots? Oranges? 0 seconds, you just eat them.

    "Mothers spend less time cleaning homes, leading to more dust, leading to more allergies, medical bills, etc."

    Do you have any studies to back this up? It's true mother's spend less time doing housework, but males also do a lot less housework than women, even if they are working the same hours.

    There is a basic cost of going to work which
    must be subtracted from the income generated (transportation expenses,
    clothing costs,. daycare, food, etc.).  Women tend to earn less, so the
    operating profit for a woman's income is generally lower than a man's. 
    We would also have to subtract the economic benefit to the family of a
    woman staying home."

    True - but this is a case for equality, not women staying home.

  • @tendollar4ways - Hello, I'm not going to talk to you anymore.  I don't think you have the bare minimum intellectually capacity necessary for a debate (or for having a basic understanding of the issues involved), or you are deliberately acting below your mental capabilities.  In either case, through he process of trial a error I have determined that you are hopeless. 

  • @soccerdadforlife - Interesting.  I agree.  Man, somehow I missed that entry.  Can you link me to it again?  Yes it's true that some types of Asians (Chinese and Japanese) are also in a state of population atrophy.  It bodes ill for the world if both white people and Asians go extinct.  In that case Islam is the most likely candidate to take over.  God help the world if that happens.

  • @ShimmerBodyCream - "I'd say Darwinism is for women attending college. Having uneducated women does result in higher birthrates and it is also the reason for overpopulation."--No no, Soccardad is right.  Neither of us are evolutionists but we both believe in/recognize the existence of natural selection.  It's a fact that the people who are less intelligent and educated tend to breed more.  It's a scary fact.  A college educated woman will probably not bear as many children as the average welfare queen, or illegal alien woman.  From a genetic and economic point of view this is a colossal disaster.  While I do prefer college educated women (because stupid women are wearisome to me), I have to agree that when women choose to pursue careers they are less likely to have children.  I think what Soccardad is saying is that college education tends to take women out of the gene pool, which indicates that those women are being selected against.  I don't believe that higher intelligence is directly responsible for them being removed from the gene pool, but perhaps poor decisions.

    Also, overpopulation is not a world problem, it's a 3rd world problem.  You can go and have your womb surgically removed, but the average woman in Mexico or the Islamic world is still going to bang out 4-8 children, and they are still going to try to come into the US.

  • @soccerdadforlife - Yes he seems to have some deep seated racism toward white people.  My theory is that he is an anchor baby, but it is also entirely possible that he is a government agent, and his activity here might be part of a job.

  • @Ambrosius_Augustus_Rex - You can manage your population or watch it crash from famine, or some epidemic. Not saying that wouldn't be fun... as long as it wasn't me.

  • @ShimmerBodyCream - I agree, but our population is shrinking, and in some parts of the world (such as Spain and Italy) it is being cut in half with each generation.  Spain and Italy are not having issues with disease or famine, and neither are the majority of white countries.  Our not having babies will not ameliorate conditions in the 3rd world, nor will it stop them from having babies.  If every one of us dropped dead right now, and they colonized te empty land we used to control, then their homelands would still be diseased, crowded, and dirty.  If we freed up (through our deaths) enough land to give them a brief respite, then their homelands would swiftly replenish, and those of them who immigrated to our land would also duplicate the conditions of the country they left given time.  When the 3rd world comes to our countries now they still have so many children just like they do in their own place.  They don't care if you choose to have none.  You choosing to have kids has no bearing on how many kids they have in Africa or Pakistan.  We can bring our birth rates up to equilibrium and close our borders, and in doing so we can avoid becoming a dismal overcrowded disease ridden hellhole like the 3rd world is.

  • i totally enjoyed this post. weird, huh?  i did not have to work outside the home while raising my family, but my husband worked two jobs and then worked for years as a delivery driver. traditional roles all the way and now our children are doing the same. its all in what you are taught. btw, i was taught the opposite--my mom worked full time--and i saw what a bad idea that was. its kind of sad what goes on these days btw. men and women.--karen

  • All we have to do is make like the Neanderthals who mated with the Cro Magnons and then went extinct.  

    That way our genes will live on into posterity as someone's bastard baby.

  • @lifeontheWink - That is awesome.  Living a traditional lifestyle sets very positive role models for the next generation.  My mom also stayed home and took care of us during the day.  I couldn't imagine how things would have been if I had to grow up spending all my time in daycare or with sitters.  Unfortunately it looks like my wife is going to have to work.  I'm working on becoming an author, which would be immensely helpful and would allow both of us to stay home, but usually people don't get lucky breaks like that. 

  • @ImNotUglyIJustNeedLove - While I wouldn't promote bastardy, what you are saying is essentially correct.  Ironic as it is, the race mixers are probably going to be all that is left of the white race in the next millinia.  As much as the WS people hate us and blame us for white decline, we are the most likely to have kids. 

    Our future is probably to exist as some sort of mestizo race.  The question is, what will those people do with the heritage we have bequethed to them?  Hopefully they don't overrun with Muslims, and hopefully they do better than the majority of Central, South American, and Caribbean countries. 

  • Seeing as how it's better never to have been brought into existence (and that goes for EVERY person on the face of this planet, not just whites, not just other races, but EVERYONE on the planet). In that light, I don't see what's so bad about this. 

    I absolutely agree that what we do here while in existence won't matter in the future. Not one bit. I would even say it doesn't matter now. We just are. There is no rhyme, reason, or anything else to our existence. I outright reject the notion of an afterlife because there is no proof of one. If I wind up in hell, so be it. I think the Judeo/Christian God as well as Allah and every other god you can mention are all first-rate assholes not worthy of my worship, praise, or devotion. 

    I'm white. That's neither here nor there. My parents had me. I resent them for it. I would resent them just the same regardless of what race I was. Life is just so bad (and a lot worse than you think it is) that it's preferable not to exist. Hell, even if life was 99% pleasure and 1% pain it would be preferable not to exist. The only time in which existence would be better than non-existence would be if life was perfect - all pleasure, no pain. 

    So yeah, I have no problem with whites or any other race dying out. In fact, I think the complete extinction of the human race is the best thing that could happen to us, because at least then no more poor souls would be subject to this crappy thing called "life." 

    "Each one of us was harmed by being brought into existence. That harm is not negligible, because the quality of even the best lives is very bad - and considerably worse than most people recognize it to be. Although it is obviously too late to prevent our own existence, it is not too late to prevent the existence of future possible people." - David Benatar (South African). Note he makes no mention of race anywhere in that. 

  • @ShimmerBodyCream - "I'd say Darwinism is for women attending college. Having uneducated women does result in higher birthrates and it is also the reason for overpopulation."

    Darwinism is weeding out women who attend college; they aren't reproducing enough for the white and asian populations in the U.S. to keep from declining.

    There's a wide gap between women who attend college and women who are totally uneducated.  Some women drop out of high school.  Some complete it but never attend college.  The key is that women postpone having families and sometimes have abortions as a result, resulting in increased infertility.  Abortions tend to increase infertility because they scar the uterus.  The birth rate for white and asian women in the U.S. is 1.9 children.  2.1 is the replacement rate just to maintain a stable population.

    "Our unskilled labor has gone overseas and our income inequity has risen astronomically. Unions have decreased, and men are choosing to work less. *cough* capitalism *cough*"

    Some demand for unskilled labor has gone overseas while more supply of unskilled labor has immigrated into the U.S.

    Some of the demand for our skilled labor has also gone overseas because skilled wages are much lower overseas.  cough-information technology-cough. Asian countries are pumping out IT degrees like there's no tomorrow. Skilled labor in autos is still well-paid, as are the crafting trades like carpentry (union or non-union).   Some engineering has been outsourced, but we've also grabbed some engineering contracts from overseas.  We usually make the higher profit items like medical equipment. Our manufacturing jobs were hit by techological improvements resulting in higher productivity.

    A lot of our skilled jobs have been taken by immigrants, from engineering to the trades to computer programming to management.  The immigration (both legal and illegal) spigot has been opened way too wide.  Of course, this benefits capitalists here at home (inducing republican support) as well as democratic politicians.

    Some of our companies that outsourced mfg. to China are discovering that their partners are chiseling them on quality and are bringing mfg. back home.

    Eventually there'll be equalization in labor costs and the Asian countries' consumption of goods and services will rise near our level.

    There's a lot going on economically and no simple solution.

    "Our shitty diets are cultural and unrelated to the workforce. How long does it take to prepare an apple? Grapes? Carrots? Oranges? 0 seconds, you just eat them."

    High school girls used to take something called Home Economics where they learned about a balanced diet, disease prevention, sewing clothes, etc.  Feminists heaped shame on homemakers who were living honorably and doing good for their families.  Oh, the girls learned how to keep costs down and run a business at home.  They washed their fruit and prepared tasty dishes for their families.  Girls learned to shop very wisely.  Nowadays parents are way too busy taking their kids to sports and other activities and often can't squeeze in going to the grocery store, planning meals for the week, cooking meals, etc.  It's just so convenient to stop and get fast food.  We had too much going on raising our kids and ate too much fast food.  But we didn't know the cost back then.

    As a kid, I used to go outside and play with the other kids and was very active.  My single mother would work a job and cook meals.  We had better meals on the weekend than during the week; sometimes we ate fast food.  I was thin all the way through college.  Now it's too easy to sit at the computer and let my hands type.  I bet computer games and TV have more to do with American obesity than diet; maybe soft drinks play a major role.

    "It's true mother's spend less time doing housework, but males also do a lot less housework than women, even if they are working the same hours."

    Thank you for making my point.  My point isn't about equality or fairness, but what's good for society.

    "True - but this is a case for equality, not women staying home."

    It's also a case for what's good for society.

    Why did you ignore my point that adding women to the workforce doubles the supply of labor and tends to lower wages?

  • How dare you say white. If yo were lamaneting the state of the Havasu indian tribe. Saying it was dying and its culture was going to be lost, you would have been hailed for bringing their blight to our attention

  • @trunthepaige - I always marvel at your creativity in spelling.  :)   :]]]

    @secretbeerreporter - Actually, some people add pain to pleasure because the contrast makes the pleasure sweeter; I'm thinking of masochists here.  Pain induces a release of endorphins.

    Heaven is actually the state of eternal and ultimate empowerment, pleasure, self-actualization, etc.  Hell would be missing out.  Short-term pain for long-term gain is usually considered wisdom.  If heaven and hell are eternal, then to choose hell is the ultimate foolishness.

  • @soccerdadforlife - And worship your asshole of a "god?" I think not. I think my definition of hell would actually be your definition of "heaven." Being forever in the presence of a being I consider to be a fucking prick? I think I'll pass on that one. 

  • The fact that we in the USA actually has a declining population and Europe's pop. is falling even faster , China is even is a great deal of trouble. Well to understand that you need to be able to handle a little bit of math and to understand reproduction rates. That is simply over the head of most people, so they would rather panic over a rising population without understanding that once a population reaches a certain age and they have not produced at least 2.3 kids per couple, (the baby boom and the gen xer did not do this) even though the population may be climbing still, it is about to crash. And emigration into richer nations is simply going to kill that culture off, if they did not produce their own kids

  • @secretbeerreporter - Well, since God is perfect, merciful, and gracious, will likely let you go your own way and prevent you from entering into His presence, so you're quite safe from that bliss.  I guess you think that Jesus Christ, sinless and dying on the cross for the sins of others and rising from the dead, showing His power, somehow makes Him a "fucking prick."  You're quite pathetic.

    "Hit me with your best shot!
    Why don’t you hit me with your best shot!
    Hit me with your best shot!
    Fire away!" -- Pat Benatar

  • @trunthepaige - And as more whites tend to marry with non-whites, that will also cut into the white population.  Not arguing for preventing interracial marriage (I are one)--just sayin'.

    Home-schoolers tend to be white and have an above-average number of kids and the mother tends to stay home, so maybe they will inherit a lot of the U.S. earth.

  • @soccerdadforlife - Yes I do. I actually happen to think if your Jesus Christ did exist, he got exactly what he deserved. Since Jesus claimed to be god in the flesh (which you believe he was), and therefore your Jesus is your god, then it would follow that he is a fucking prick. 

    "Perfect, merciful, and gracious?" I think a better description would be sexist, homophobic, angry, bloodthirsty, megalomaniacal, sadistic, and sociopathic. 

  • @secretbeerreporter - I would help you if I could, but I can't. 

  • @secretbeerreporter - You are obviously bitter and pathetic for that reason.  Questioning whether Jesus existed makes you a fool, so you are even more pathetic.  Your bitterness is an infectious diseases and I vote that you be blocked for mental health reasons.

    @Ambrosius_Augustus_Rex Fyi, I voted for you to block the above bitter asshole.

  • @trunthepaige - Yes that is pretty much the size of it, and all of us younger working people are going to be saddled with the maintenance needs of the larger older generation which is retired, in addition to paying for the welfare and medical of large blocs of non-producing immigrants.  It's not fair, and it has zero long term sustainability. 

  • I agree that white people in general are not having enough children to sustain the white population. I've read enough articles and crunched the population rate numbers to know this is true.

    But I guess I don't think it is necessarily something to be concerned about. Dropping population numbers, yes. Color of the population, no.

  • @soccerdadforlife - Honestly I'm not very concerned about how well they tan or the inability to produce enough Vitamin D in a cold cloudy climate. But the loss of culture is tragic 

  • @Ambrosius_Augustus_Rex - No worries. The only thing that can help me is a bullet through my skull, which is my full intention after I spend some time having a little frivolous fun this year. 

  • @firetyger - How about the significant loss of genetic diversity in the worldwide population?

  • @soccerdadforlife - How is it a loss if white people are just getting blended into the rest of the population? Now if we all stopped having kids and didn't pass on any genetic material, that's one thing. But the way I see it, a lot more marriages are interracial. And that is just a genetic blending, not a loss.

  • @firetyger - Did you read my comment about what's happening?  Did you really "crunch the numbers?"  In the U.S., white women, like asian women, aren't having enough kids to maintain the population. The number of genes from the white and asian populations are declining.  It's especially pronounced among college-educated women.

  • @soccerdadforlife - Yes I did read your comment. And yes, I have crunched numbers. What I'm saying is that when whites marry non-whites, they tend to have more children and they are still passing on their genes.

  • @soccerdadforlife - I'm marrying non-white.  I don't know if this cuts into the white populaion, or if I would otherwise be unable to reproduce.  Only about half of all men across the board succeed in passing on their DNA.  Or so I have heard.  It may be that the majority of white male race mixers might not otherwise be able to reproduce. 

    For example, the male Spanish conquistadors who married the indigenous women.  Their other option was basically rosy and her five sisters.  Given the circumstances an indigenous woman seems preferable.

  • @secretbeerreporter - Not going to put a bullet in your skull, but if you ever want to talk about anything just let me know.

  • @firetyger - And the number of white genes from native Americans is declining.  Intermarriage doesn't really help that much.

    @Ambrosius_Augustus_Rex - Funny how the white home-schoolers are able to breed like rabbits, the whites being so inbred and all.

  • @Ambrosius_Augustus_Rex - Here's my post about white decline.  You even commented on it.

  • you said it right...women have been programmed to have contempt for men and hate them..but fortunately not all women are harpies..i dont know if it's only in america though, or all over the world..but man also resent women...there's a lot of misogyny around...i love your details.... 

  • @Ambrosius_Augustus_Rex - krisko has been whining for years.

  • what is so specific about our culture that only white-skinned people can partake of it?  you mentioned a lot of famous people, but what did their skin color have to do with their contributions?  culture is not inherited, but learned. 

    and perhaps women hate you (and men who think like you) because you see them as less worthy of having the freedom to have both a career and a family.  i'm dating a wonderful white man and will happily have his kids.  he sees me as equal to him in every respect.  no gender roles are allowed.  just a suggestion: when you treat women like second-class citizens, they won't want to sleep with you.  no sex = no kids.  

  • @Ambrosius_Augustus_Rex - 

    "Other people come here because of what we have created.  "
    or because we kidnapped them.  so, what exactly about our white history is so precious?  

  • @Ambrosius_Augustus_Rex - I added a link to the source of my data for white population decline in the U.S. in my OP which I linked earlier.  That decline has been going on at least 20 years.  That source speculated that the cause was increased college attendance which caused delayed child-bearing.  Look here for the fecundity table to get an idea of what delaying child-bearing may do to your family.  I wonder how many young women even know about this.  Apparently, fecundity impairment has been rising steadily.  I suspect that STD's and abortion contribute to this.  Or maybe obesity?

  • @flapper_femme_fatale - Thanks flapper, that is the typical feminist response, and I knew that someone would stop by to drop it sooner or later.  I never oppressed anyone, and a white man doesn't have to do anything bad to be treated badly by white women.  As it is, I'm doing pretty good with my fiancé, who is more physically attractive by orders of magnitude than what most guys here get, and also has an agreeable personality.  I would show you, except that I don't really want to disclose my identity or hers for some very good reasons.

    As for your "skin color" comment, I didn't say anything specifically about skin color, but the fact is that without white people none of those men ever would have existed, and those are only a few of the great men in a long series.  "We" didn't kidnap anyone.  If you are talking about slavery, the people who were responsible for that were dead, and I would like to point out that they were sold to Europeans by other Africans.  But this is where your thinking falls in line with that of typical leftists.  If you want to know what is so precious about our history then I can give you some very concrete specific examples.  Your computer, your light switch, the running water in your home, your car, the internet, electricity, and sterile medical procedures.  What kind of music do you listen too?  My guess is that you owe that to white people as well, unless you are listening to classical Eastern music (which I do sometimes).  Of course if you listen to it on CD''s, headphones, or speakers, then again, those things were invented by white people. 

  • @flapper_femme_fatale - Also, I never said that only white people could partake.  Don't read things into my comments, I am always very up front with whatever I want to say.  I don't care who hates me. The truth is more important than I am.

  • @Ambrosius_Augustus_Rex - 

    "As it is, I'm doing pretty good with my fiancé, who is more physically attractive by orders of magnitude than what most guys here get, and also has an agreeable personality."
    you talk about her with as much passion as i talk about the new kitten i adopted.  i feel sorry for her.  
    "f you are talking about slavery, the people who were responsible for that were dead, and I would like to point out that they were sold to Europeans by other Africans. "
    you can't have it both ways: white skin cannot be credited for the wonderful things white people do, but be given a pass for the horrible things white people do.  Shakespeare and Tolkein are dead as well.  if white slave owners mean nothing to our culture now, neither do they.
    " If you want to know what is so precious about our history then I can give you some very concrete specific examples."
    and you cannot prove that, lacking white people, the following things you listed wouldn't have been invented anyway.  running water is a bad one to list, though... irrigation started in the same places as the earliest agricultural centers.  none of those centers were founded by white people.  

  • @Ambrosius_Augustus_Rex - then why do you care about white people breeding?  why not just talk about the need for more children in first world societies, period?  you act as though the only people worthy of being present in our country are WASPs.  having been raised Southern Baptist, i am very familiar with that worldview.

  • @firetyger - I am also marrying interracially.  There is nothing wrong with interracial marriage, especially if you have no viable options available to you within your own group, but that is not going to compensate for white decline in any significant way.  Even if those rates pick way up.  Central Asia and part of China (Tocharians) used to be white, but it's not so much any more.  The same is true for the top three castes of the Hindu caste system (Brahmin, Kshatriyas, Vaisyas).  A much larger people group can easily swallow up a much smaller, so that their phenotype is never seen again, or at the very most is seldom expressed.  I definitely agree however that race mixing is better than not reproducing at all, and I certainly did not intend to guilt anyone out of race mixing with this entry.  You can take or leave what you want from it, probably the most vital part of my entry was where I discussed the work force and job availability. 

  • @flapper_femme_fatale - Just because you got your man henpecked doesn't mean that is the natural order of things.  If you ever met my girlfriend she would cut you down to size. 

    I never said anything about "white skin."  Having lighter skin is just one aspect of being white, and it is not at all something which is exclusive to white people.  Lighter skin is incidental/ancillary, but the civilizations we built are among the best and the brightest.

    Without white people there would still be slavery, and in fact all of the countries where slavery continues are non-white.  However, without white people there would also have been none of the positive things like electricity or computers.  No I don't have to prove that those things could not have occurred without us, one does not need to prove a negative.  Maybe the Asians would have invented those things given enough time, and when we are gone then it will be up to them to lead world civilization, but the fact is, they didn't, and in fact they had for whatever reason entered a stagnate period until they were exposed to European colonial forces. 

    Not irrigation, running water, as in water that goes into your house through pipes.  Irrigation started in quite a few places from the beginning, and among them were Greece and Iran. 

    I am also concerned about population decline in China and Japan, as well as stupid people breeding more voraciously than intelligent people, but I reserve the right to address issues in whatever order I wish, and pretending that white decline is not a problem does not change the fact that it is.  I know you cannot look at issues like white decline or self advocacy objectively, just like agno and all the other leftists, but that has no bearing on objective reality.  I just find it ironic that if I had said something about the decline of some obscure tribe in Africa being on the decline I wouldn't be getting all these accusations of racism and what not from you people.

  • "White men are on average the most considerate and benevolent type of man a woman can get."

    Really?? I sincerely disagree.

    Why is race an issue here anyways? We should all intermix and become a nice beige.

  • @locomotiv - My girlfriend is truly wonderful.  Marrying her is going to be my first real accomplishment in life.  Right, not all women are bad.  I gave up on white women after having received lots of abuse, and not encountering any good prospects who returned my interest.  The last one I asked out was this South African girl who came to my church, and just wasn't interested.  That was probably for the best.  I also find it wearisome how lots of people in the age bracket of 20-30, especially women, believe that the natural state between men and women is supposed to be combative.  I hate that so much.  So I jumped ship. 

    Oh yes, I have seen some elements in the counter-movement to feminism producing ideas which are just as harmful and disgusting as many of the aspects of feminism.  I have seen many guys proposing one night stands as a solution to marriage, and others stating that the solution is to stop loving women.  Ideas like that are equally corrosive to society, and are like killing the patient to cure the disease.  In fact a lot of men already have given up on loving women, and it has only made things worse.  While I do agree with them that women should not be placed on pedestals, the important thing to do is get back to family rather than unfruitful fornication or bastardy.   

  • @davidian - I made a generalized statement not an absolute statement.  Of course there are exceptions to any generalization, as no generalization is specific to the individual. 

    It is however a fact that white men abuse women less, on average, than other groups, and are also wiling to allow women a good deal more leeway.  Whether or not the latter aspect I mentioned is a good thing or a product of white men being mentally subjugated is debatable. 

    Race is quite often an issue, especially when there is a concerted effort to muzzle discussion on an issue which is particularly monolithic and which has wide sweeping ramifications.

  • @Ambrosius_Augustus_Rex - 

    " Just because you got your man henpecked doesn't mean that is the natural order of things.  If you ever met my girlfriend she would cut you down to size. "
    i highly doubt it.  a woman that you'd find attractive doesn't seem like the kind of girl that could last in a fight. 
    "No I don't have to prove that those things could not have occurred without us, one does not need to prove a negative. "
    you do if you're arguing that none of these things would exist without white people.  
    "Not irrigation, running water, as in water that goes into your house through pipes."
    what's the difference?  the technology is the same, it's just a matter of where the pipes go.
    "Irrigation started in quite a few places from the beginning, and among them were Greece and Iran. "
    Iranians =/= white.  and the Greeks didn't get farming before the Sumerians.
    " know you cannot look at issues like white decline or self advocacy objectively"
    don't confuse my apathy for ignorance and incapability.  unlike you, i don't think skin color matters.  so i don't care about a decline in white people.  
    " I just find it ironic that if I had said something about the decline of some obscure tribe in Africa being on the decline I wouldn't be getting all these accusations of racism and what not from you people."
    you would if you were trying to argue that the tribe is superior because of their physical appearance.  

  • @Ambrosius_Augustus_Rex - What empirical studies are you citing for these facts?  I would love to see them.  I personally don't believe that race has to do with anything about how a man treats a woman.  Rather, it has to do with upbringing and good nurturing.  

    Race should never be an issue.  Nurture carries far more weight than nature.  We are enlightened as a species because we can rise above how we are naturally programmed.

  •          @flapper_femme_fatale - Are you talking about a physical confrontation?  Does that mean you are calling yourself butch?  I have a hard time understanding you leftists so please clarify.

    No, I don't have to prove a negative.  The fact is that it was white people who discovered, invented, and created those things.  I don't have to argue for their non-existence otherwise, that's ridiculous.

    The fact is white people provided the modern world with running water and the science for a closed sewage system.

    Iranians are white, and not only is that how they self identify but it is also how the US government and socio-anthropologists classify them.  Learn some history and geography.  Just because 300 used black actors and CG monsters to portray them does not in any way change what the actual people are like. 

    I never said that no one else invented or achieved anything, and your attempts to divert the debate in that direction just make you look weak and ignorant.

    You are not apathetic you are hostile.  If you don't care you don't argue something.  If you made an entry about nail polish and tried to argue some point in that area I wouldn't argue it with you because I genuinely don't care.  I think you need to look up the meaning of apathy, because that does not at all describe your disposition regarding this.  You are indeed incapable of thinking objectively.  Your thought processes are entirely limited by your left wing PC box, and you are no more reflective, thoughtful, analytical, or original than agnophile or 10 dollar.

    Where did I say I cared about skin color?  Quote please.

    Bollox!  The fact is you are an oikophobe who hates white people, and you have been mentally conditioned to give a Pavlovian style response when white people try to advocate for their own interests.  You are 100% Pavlovian.  I never mentioned superiority or anyone being superior because of their physical appearance.  Quote me before you make accusations about what I said.  If I wanted to say that then I would have come out and said it.  But regarding what I ACTUALLY said in my entry, can you point to anything that is factually incorrect?  Hypothetical scenarios and attempts to shift the burden of proof towards proving a negative do not count.  We are dealing with facts.  The facts are what they are, regardless of how unpalatable you find the implications. 

  • @davidian - Which aspects of my entry or discussion with you would you like me to corroborate with sources?  I don't know how much of human behavior is genetically determined vs. environmentally.  Both definitely play a role, and completely dismissing one or the other would be a mistake.  When it comes to how women are treated, I believe that cultural memes and legal systems have a lot to do with that.  However, culture often follows along racial lines.  I am dating an Indian woman.  She told me that she did not care for Indian men because 1) they have a tendency to act unilaterally when married and 2) many of them are physically abusive.  The most common form of interracial marriage in the US is white men with Asian women.  What I have heard most often from Asian women who exhibit a preference for white men is that they gravitate toward white men because they are given more leeway.  Eastern cultures have much higher expectations of women and more strictly enforced gender roles than do western cultures.  Given that you are an Asian man, you  must certainly be aware of this by direct experience (unless you were adopted).  Regarding Asian cultures I speak more in terms of there being stricter gender expectations and more of an emphasis on familial relationships, which amounts to less individual leeway for the woman but not necessarily abuse.

    Here are some statistics regarding abuse:

    Most of the abuse occurs among 3rd world populations, where it is quite fierce.

    So let me make things a bit more personal for you.  Suppose that Asians were going extinct.  Would that bother you on a personal level?  It does indeed bother many Asian men, because I have seen them complaining so many times about white men taking their women.  If it doesn't then you probably suffer from a certain degree of self loathing or self hatred (like white liberals).  It's called oikophobia but it's similar to Stockholm Syndrome.

    When an entire race is going extinct, then it is a problem, and trivializing it does not change the fact that something sinister is going on.

  • White people must be ashamed for there skin color. It is the "hip" and "cool" thing now. Makes you a part of "the cool club".

  • @soccerdadforlife - What I don't understand is why you care about what skin tone people are. If I married a black guy, I'd pass on half of my genes to our kids and he'd pass on half as well. We're not losing any genes. They're being blended into the gene pool.

    Adam and Eve were most likely brown. Jesus was brown. It was through tribes of people moving around and isolating themselves that has led to various color groups. But we're all one human race. Genetically, it would probably be healthier for more interracial marriages to happen to reintroduce more genes to the genetic lines that haven't had new blood for some time. That helps with getting away from genetic diseases and other issues related to genetic disorders.

  • @Ambrosius_Augustus_Rex - My main issue with your post is that you define whites as their own race. There is only one race - the human race. White is only one tone among many. To me, it doesn't matter if the entire world looks brown. That is most likely what Adam and Eve were. We have the more defined color tones only because people spread out and isolated themselves, thus producing distinct characteristics and colors. Blending would be healthier for us all, overall. And you don't have to lose culture just because skin tones are changing. I've tracked my ancestors back to fourteen different nations/ethnicities. I'm proud of each and every one. I've studied up on the history of them all...the Vikings, the Cossacks, the Germans, the Cherokee, etc. For myself, I've chosen to be a Christian. And that has nothing to do with my skin.

  • @firetyger - he is pointing out the FACT that "reverse racism" is apparent. It is not a "badge of honor" or a "moral duty" that different races intermingle. As a white man I am attracted to different races other then myself.

    That does not make me "morally superior" and if I claim so that makes me a racist. I am just an ordinary average pervert living life trying to have a good time. If anyone worships me for having sex with races different them myself then THEY have an agenda!

  • @LadyboyRevolution - I don't call it reverse racism. I just call it racism. Anyone can be racist, in my opinion. But I'm not going to go off on a tangent here.

    I'm not saying there is anything wrong with wanting to marry other white people or being attracted to white people. All I'm saying is that it wouldn't be a big deal if every white person married someone of a different color and had mixed colored children. It doesn't matter what skin color the human race expresses. We're all still human. We can still embrace whatever cultural beliefs and values that we choose to. Skin tone has nothing to do with it.

  • @firetyger - That is like saying that there is only one breed of dog, the dog breed.  Do you also insist that there is just one breed of dog?  If so then you are at least consistent, but that type of thinking is counter intuitive and makes it impossible to address certain issues.  It is OK to be aware of the fact that different races exist.  How they came to exist is not the issue, and while you have not personally attacked me as the leftists have, the fact that you are trying to sweep a serious issue under the rug just like they are.  In their case it is because of the party concerned, but I don't know what the issue is in your case.  Yes Adam and Eve were probably brown, as was Jesus.  My girlfriend is also a bit on the brown side.  But none of that is relevant.  The fact is a large chunk, or formerly large chunk of humanity, which was a major leader in human civilization is going extinct (that represents imminent danger), and both you, and the leftists, seem to think this is somehow a taboo topic.  Refusing to talk about a problem does not make it go away, and if the problem is by design then you have given the masterminds behind it carte blanche ability to continue with their activities. 

    Fact: The birthrates of white people are dropping world wide.

    Fact: There is a reason behind it.

    Proper reaction: What is the reason and who is to blame?

    Improper reaction: Let's just keep quiet about it and do nothing. 

  • @firetyger - I never listed race mixing as a cause for white decline, nor did I say that there was anything wrong with marrying out.  I believe I was very thorough and concise regarding the causes, which are low birthrates, divorce, economic/job issues, and gender conflict.  White women aren't putting out.  Why?  Is it by design, and if so whose design, and what is it they seek to gain?  These are all pertinent questions. 

  • @Ambrosius_Augustus_Rex - Dog breeds are synonymous with skin tones, in my book. Race, as I define it, encompasses all of humanity. Much like the race of Dog encompasses all dogs. You might note that people mix dog breeds all the time and mutts tend to be genetically healthier than purebred counterparts. But I digress.

    "The fact is a large chunk, or formerly large chunk of humanity, which was a major leader in human civilization is going extinct (that represents imminent danger), and both you, and the leftists, seem to think this is somehow a taboo topic.  Refusing to talk about a problem does not make it go away, and if the problem is by design then you have given the masterminds behind it carte blanche ability to continue with their activities. "

    I do not consider this subject taboo. I just disagree with you. I do not think white people are going extinct. Surely, some white people are not having children anymore (thus not passing on their genes). Others are in interracial marriages. And others are having kids with other white people, like my family. My question is simply why does it matter? We are not going to lose Christianity or other principles of Western civilization just because skin tones get muddled and no one is fully white anymore.

  • @firetyger - It is simply a statistical fact that we are going extinct.  The first video in my list shows the numbers.  It is a fact that the birth rate is lower than the death rate, and that births are not meeting the minimum number necessary for replenishment. 

    As for western civilization being able to survive without us...  That is something that we will just have to wait and see about.  It may be that western civilization is already broken, which is why this is happenng in the first place.

  • EXACTLY what is WHITE? My kids are racially mixed but look white and are most times white on paperwork because the majority of their blood is Caucasian. Is not the mixing of races always been and will be? I doubt this is going to be a problem.

  • @firetyger - "What I don't understand is why you care about what skin tone people are."  You seriously think that the only effect that white genes have is on skin tone?

    "We're not losing any genes. They're being blended into the gene pool."

    That is simply untrue.  With the U.S. white fertility rate at 1.8 for approximately two decades, the real number (not merely percentage relative to non-whites) of genes of native white Americans has been steadily declining.

    I'll link the fertility site again as it seems that you haven't been paying attention.  Maybe you'll see it this time and actually read it enough to get its points.

    Golly gosh, this isn't a racist issue like you seem to think.  It's a genetic problem and a cultural problem as Rex pointed out.  I'm merely focusing on the genetic problem.

    If we consider the cultural problem, white culture retains some elements of chivalry, especially protecting women.  In a hypothetical world where liberal, feminist women feel that they don't need protection from men, yet don't carry pistols for protection, those women would be at risk.  Do you think that this chivalrous aspect of white culture is worth saving?

  • @Ikwa - White refers to those who are predominantly Indo-European.  From your comment I can only conclude that you reacted to my entry without reading it.  Most of what you said here has already been addressed in my entry.  Even if you don't care and/or are cheering for white extinction, the fact is if it can happen to us it can happen to any other group.  Also, none of the reasons why it is happening (or the mechansms being used) are good things.  In addition, we will not be around to contribute in the future in the same way that we have contributed in the past.

  • @Ambrosius_Augustus_Rex - There is a problem at the very beginning of that first video. White people are not their own species. Homo sapiens - the species - encompasses all of the skin tones of humanity. And while I agree that overall population decline is a problem, the decline of a specific skin tone is not of a concern to me at all. For all the numbers you present, they do not discuss the number of whites that are in interracial marriages or relationships. In my family and husband's family alone we have nine interracial marriages and six interracial serious dating relationships. Obviously, their children will be half and half. The white color no longer expressing itself in the gene pool in the future doesn't mean that the color itself is extinct. The genes will still be mixed in with the other skin tones. The color will just not express itself unless two parents sharing the genes for that color have children.

    To focus on men like Socrates and Nikola Tesla merely by their skin tone does seem to imply that you believe whites are more intelligent than minorities and that we will lose great advancements in the future if the world's population is no longer white. That is the gist of what I got out of your post. Correct me if I'm wrong, but if that is the case, then that would be racist.

  • @soccerdadforlife - "You seriously think that the only effect that white genes have is on skin tone?"

    Be careful. I sincerely hope you're not going to try telling me that whites are more intelligent than minorities.

    "Maybe you'll see it this time and actually read it enough to get its points. Golly gosh, this isn't a racist issue like you seem to think."

    I read through it. And like I said in the first comment I left on this post, I agree that -overall- population decline is a problem. But what the overall color of the country ends up being is a non-issue to me. You're ignoring all of the interracial relationships that are becoming far more commonplace. White genes aren't going extinct. Some are being passed on into black/white, asian/white, hispanic/white gene pools. And whether or not the color white expresses itself in the population doesn't disturb me in the least. Skin tone has nothing to do with one's intelligence, values, or anything else. The old nature vs. nurture debate. I tend to believe that much of what shapes us is the environment we are raised in.

    I'm really curious as to why you believe Western culture would die out if people were all blended and no longer white. If I married a black man and we had mixed children, I would still pass on my Christian, conservative, and libertarian values to our children. I would teach them to care about our history, to learn, and to have a strong work ethic and moral character. They would, in theory, follow in this and pass on the same values to their children. Because this is, afterall, what I'm doing with my white children. I believe they will carry on our values and beliefs. The color of their skin has nothing to do with this.

  • @Ambrosius_Augustus_Rex - Science tells me that race is not DNA so there is a problem with your thoughts. We are human too SHeesh

  • @firetyger -Where did he say white people are a species?  Which frame?  And if so then how would that invalidate the statistics he listed?

     It is sad that you have bought into the cultural Marxist narrative.  I never said anything about a particular skin tone, and surely you realize that skin tone is not directly correlated with race, nor is it the only factor. 

    Let me make it simple, if it happens to white people, it can happen to anyone.  I don't think you even read my entry, otherwise you would not be talking like this.  OK so your fine with white people going extinct (which is how the left conditioned you to think), I take it you are also fine with the sour state of gender relations between white men and white women?  You are also fine with the high divorce rates and rising frequency of bastardy?  You're OK with the increase in one night stands and pre-marital sex?  You're OK wth family being undermined in general? 

    My point was very simple regarding the accomplishments.  All of those things I mentioned were invented by white people.  If there were no white people then they would not have been invented, or at best would have been invented at a later date.  This is simply a fact.  Facts cannot be racist or biased, they simply are.  I do believe that Asians are capable of running things and inventing in our absence, but the 3rd world is not.

    As a race mixer myself (driven in that direction by the non-marriagability of white women), I do not condemn others for doing so, but this is like the early Europeans replacing the Neanderthals.  Neanderthal DNA survives, but the Neanderthal people do not.  Rates on interracial mixing are easily attainable for the US.  These are left wing sources, which sits ill with me, but given that they are left wing sources if they are exaggerating then they are probably inflating the numbers:

    Your family is not a microcosm for what is going on in the world. 

    The majorty of white people are not reproducing, and that is a problem.  Is it by design, or by nature? 

  • @Ikwa - No, that is what the PC movement says, not science.  The fact is DNA codes for everything in your body, including differences between groups.  Obviously everyon is genetically compatible.  Dogs are also genetically compatible but there are differences between the breeds and even within them. 

    Everyone is human, but do you or do you not think that an entire race going extinct is a problem?  Also do you think that the forces driving the decline are positive conditions that improve the quality of life?

  • @firetyger - "Be careful. I sincerely hope you're not going to try telling me that whites are more intelligent than minorities."  Whatever.  Are you disputing that genes affect health and intelligence?  Athletic ability?  I can assure you that sometimes geniuses come from families who are as dumb as dirt.  That's certainly not nurture.  Really, you are arguing that water isn't wet.  It's quite ridiculous.

    "White genes aren't going extinct."  Whatever.  You're arguing a red herring.  The issue is whether they are in decline and the scientific evidence is that they are because white women aren't having enough babies.  If you can provide evidence that white men are having lots of babies with non-white women, then you can make your point.  Otherwise, you are arguing nonsense.

    White women aren't having enough babies EVEN BY NONWHITE MEN.  The number of babies non-white women have is declining, but the number of babies white women have has been in decline a lot longer.

    Nurture has some impact, but that is all irrelevant red herring nonsense.

    "I'm really curious as to why you believe Western culture would die out if people were all blended and no longer white. If I married a black man and we had mixed children, I would still pass on my Christian, conservative, and libertarian values to our children."

    Ok.  What if a white man married a non-white woman?  Would he do the same?  Are men really as diligent to pass on their values to children?

    "They would, in theory, follow in this and pass on the same values to their children."  And you're taking a big leap there.  Why wouldn't they prefer the values of their father, which might diverge from yours.

    And what about those childless white couples, which are becoming more common?  How do they pass on their values?  And what about those who stay single and childless?

  • @Ambrosius_Augustus_Rex - Actually, there is protein machinery that regulates DNA expression.  But your text applies if you include all that stuff.

  • @Ambrosius_Augustus_Rex - How many people have risen past their genetic circumstances to achieve greatness? Quite a few.  

    When it comes to women, I would argue that Asians and Pacific Islanders treat their women the best.  According to the study you posted, i quote, "12.8% of Asian and Pacific Islander women reported experiencing physical assault by an intimate partner at least once during their lifetime; 3.8% reported having been raped. The rate of physical assault was lower than those reported by Whites (21.3%); African-Americans (26.3%); Hispanic, of any race, (21.2%); mixed race (27.0%); and American Indians and Alaskan Natives (30.7%)."

    In AMERICA, culture often does not follow along racial lines.  Perhaps you may perceive that only white americans are true Americans, but I would argue that race often is not a factor in my identity.  I identify myself as an American first and foremost.  Only when white people bring it up do I find myself having to have discussions about my race.  Funny how that is....
    The most common form of interracial marriage in the US is white men and Asian women?  Do you have a study for that?  If so, I would argue that it is because most white men suffer from "orientalism" and the believe that Asian women are more docile and submissive than other races.  (Something which they will find out is totally untrue!  Haha) In addition, American pop culture tends to emasculate the Asian male figure, which leads to less desirability in society.  (What was the last American movie you saw that had a romantic male lead of Asian descent?)  In addition, Asians tend to age better than other ethnicities, so there is a physical desirability for Asian women because they look younger for longer.  
    I actually would argue that conservative American values have far stricter gender roles than many Asian cultures.  
    I'm actually a mixed breed so yes, I do not ally with any one ethnicity.  I am not aware of any direct experience either.  I grew up in a relatively progressive atmosphere.  Again, nurture, not nature.  
    If Asians were going extinct, it wouldn't bother me.  I care more for the human race at large.  And more importantly, I care for people who also care about other people and the greater good, no matter what their race or ethnicity is.  
    Asian men don't complain about white men taking their women.  And that's an interesting choice of words.  Like Asian women are objects made for the taking!  Asian men complain about how they are not given a fair shake in societal depictions of their masculinity.  I am sure Asian men would date other ethnicities just as much as their own.  
    I don't suffer from self-loathing or self-hatred at all.  In fact, I'm awesome.  But I don't spend my time thinking about how I am part Asian all day long.  That's just a footnote in my life.  Like having blonde hair or red hair.  That does not define who I am as a person.  
    The "white race" is already extinct because there is no such thing as a white race.  There is nothing sinister going on.  Your mentality seems to be the same thing that Hitler had in mind when he started persecuting the Jews.  

  • @davidian - What genetic circumstances are you talking about?  Be specific and give an example.

    Well most often what I hear from the Asian women is that white men have lower expectations when it comes to their female partner, and less family involvement in the relationship.

    I consider any left wing people to not be true Americans regardless of their race.  I tend to see the left as seditious traitors and globalists, because that is what they are.  If being "American" is an idea then anyone who is anti-American must be excluded (which would be the political left).  If it's a race then technically it would be the native Americans.

    Here is a statistic:

    Here is a Wikipedia article:

    Yes Asian women are attractive, and men naturally gravitate toward the most attractive woman they can get their hands on.  Eastern and western cultures also have different concepts of masculinity, which works against Asian men in the US.  But the eastern and western concepts of femininity are quite similar, which makes the Asian women more universally marketable. 

    Yes I know that some Asian women are rough.  I dated one once who was extremely rough and disagreeable, although in her case she was raised by white parents so that was probably a game changer.  I think a lot of white males are partially motivated to date Asian women because they think that the women will treat them better than a white woman would.  Some times that may be the case, but at other times the man just falls into a trap because the woman is looking for a guy with whom she can get away with more.  My preference is actually toward Indian women, who I find to be the most agreeable and proper.

    If Asians were to go extinct then it would be a huge loss for humanity, given that those are some of the oldest and most sophisticated civilizations, and also some of the most productive in existence today.  I drive a Japanese car, use Playstation, and watch Anime.  Without Japanese people none of those things would exist, and my life would be quite different, as many of the entertainment products and useful devices I consume would not exist, and I doubt my life would be different in a better way.  This is the point I am making.  If one were to delete an entire people group, especially a productive group, then it is a huge loss for all of humanity.  This is reality.  You can say you care about "the human race" until the cows come home, but if you think it's OK for the most productive and inventive sectors of humanity to disappear than your words ring false, or at best show extreme ignorance and a weak grasp on reality.  Not trying to be insulting to you here, just trying to be real.  Not everyone has the same potential.

    Asian men do complain about white men taking their women.  You can see it on youtube.  There are still white men that complain about black men taking their women.  No one is welcoming of extra competition.  I don't complain because I don't want a white woman anyways, so if other men want to take them then they can help themselves.

    Now that's just retarded.  I am an open Zionist, but OK, if you want to compare me with Hitler then draw a parallel.  In what way am I like Hitler?

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